ITALY – EDIPOWER REST OF THE WORLD 2-3 (17-25, 28-26, 27-25, 31-33, 13-15)


ITALY: Vermiglio, Meoni, Mastrangelo 1, Bovolenta 2, Birarelli 11, Sala 11, Martino 14, Cisolla 5, Zlatanov 4, Fei 4, Gavotto 17, Corsano (L), Bari (L), Parodi 16. Coach. Anastasi A..


EDIPOWER REST OF THE WORLD: Esko 5, Rodriguinho 1, Kral 7, Hubner 3, Felizardo 6, Bontje 9, Endres 5, Kaziyski 22, Bravo 8, Swiderski 1, Omrcen 15, Nikolov 10, Henno (L). Coach. Lorenzetti A.


NOTE – Crowd 3.970, takings 26.000, set time: 26′, 33′, 30′, 34′, 15′; tot: 0′. 


MONZA – As the doors of the PalaCandy gym in Minza opened, everyone could appreciate the latest novelty of this All Star Game: the tricolour court. The national anthem was played and the show could start.

It’s been a great celebration in front of a full crowd that warmed up before the game with the Ballon Killer challenge and other activities in which the stars of the Italian league took part.


Amongst the Italians, Emanuele Birarelli shined with 11 points, with 64% in attack and 4 blocks. In the Rest of the World team, Matey Zaziyiski stood out leading all scorers with 22 points and an excellent 54% in attack. The MVP was the libero Henno Hubert who starred in dig.




Andrea Bari : “It was a great feeling, I was fortunate to be called at the last minute. I had been waiting for this moment for a long time and it showed on court. Hopefully this is only the beginning. I want to do well in the league to deserve all this”.


Simone Parodi: “I don’t know if me and Martino will be the diagonal of the future,  but I know we will keep training for this to happen. It’s been an unbelievable emotion and I would never have expected to play that much. Now, I’ll be back with my team trying to earn a summer with the national team”.


Hubert Henno (MVP della gara): “In my opinion, we gave the crowd what they expected from a night like this, giving everything we had on each play. I’m really sorry for Murilo and Swiderski. Their injuries are the sad note of this beautiful evening. The tricolour court was a nice idea, the effect is very good and I’d say it didn’t give us any problems”.


Rob Bontje: “I was surprised to see, that despite not being teammates in the league, we found the rhythm and played good volleyball. In the end, we all hugged each other on the bench to fully live this great celebration. I think the fans enjoyed themselves, at least as much as us. Well, maybe not, my team enjoyed it more because we won!”.