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Casa Modena: Baranowicz 4, Molteni 13, Kooy 13, Quesque 9, Casadei, Piscopo 5, Vesely 7, Sala 6, Pinelli, Bisi, Scaltriti Manià (L), Catellani (L). Coach. Angelo Lorenzetti
Norway: Morken, Bahr, Siljander 6, Helland-Hansen, Festoy 7, Wollan, Larsen, Alvheim 1, Bjelland 6, Berg, Hylland 3, Sundfjord (L). Coach: Scott Olsen

A crowd of over 250 curious fans came to see Modena’s first test against the Norwegian national team. Manià and co did not disappoint as coach Lorenzetti lined up setter Baranowicz, outside hitter Moplteni, Kooy and Quesque spikers, Sale and Vesely middle blockers, with Manià as libero. Modena won in straight sets with 73% in reception, 62% in attack with 8 blocks.