The Italian Volleyball League completed a great work of result gathering with the first ever games in 1946 up to the current days.

“Players, referees, coaches, staff: whoever has stepped into the Serie A, even for only one season, will be able to find his name and result in our archive – said president Diego Mosna – We have a fantastic story, born with enthusiasm out of the ruins of the second world war and now it’s all here on internet for all the world to see”.

“We have to thank all the people that have been part of the League media staff over the years – said CEO Massimo Righi – we thank as well the journalist and the archive of Gazzetta dello Sport, Sky Sport’s archive, people that had internships, the former players of our league who we still contact today as they help us to update and send us some pictures. Our work is not over: some pieces of advice keep coming from the social network to help us rebuild our story before 1989, year in which our database was created. There is still so much to do, many pages are still incomplete, but now we have traced the long road that began from the first ever game arena, the Bocciola of Sestri Levante in 1946, to the ones we currently have in 2012-13”.