Completed the battery of opposites. After the confirmation of Jacob Link, Roberto Bongiorno is a new white and blue player. The genuine Abruzzo volleyball player arrives at Mr. Tomasello’s court after two years of experience in Serie A3 Credem Banca with Normanna Aversa Academy (with Mr. Tomasello himself) and Tya Con.Crea Marigliano last season. At first a long apprenticeship between C and B. He started very young with Volleyball Selci, then he wore the shirts of Gherardi Città di Castello, Volleyball Montorio, CLT Terni, Volleyball Cosenza, Sarroch and Alto Canavese Volley.

In Serie A3 Credem Banca, the Atessa native volleyball player has played 42 matches with a total of 264 personal points. Of these 236 in attack, nine in serve and nineteen on the block.

“I couldn’t wait to get to wear the shirt of ABBA Pineto Volley. And not only for the proximity to home but above all for the high technical and ambitious profile of the company. From Abruzzo then I will want to conquer important milestones with the blue and white colors and get important satisfactions. Having an athlete like Jacob Link in my same role will be even more a stimulus to grow, improve and achieve important successes all together. I thank President Abbondanza, the sports director Forese, coach Tomasello for the opportunity. I will have the pleasure of meeting my friend and lawyer Antonio Ferrara who is always close to me in helping me in my sporting and non-sporting choices “